Liam & Hannah


Preaching to “the Converted” # 3: Ashlee Beaumont

Ashlee Beaumont is a Wellingtonian at heart, and is currently studying computer science. If she could have it her way, she would be studying a thousand […]

Regional Zero Waste Shopping Guides and Map

Before we do a talk anywhere in Aotearoa New Zealand, we always take time to suss out the local area and ask ourselves, “if we lived […]

Zero Waste on the Coromandel Peninsula (including Thames-Coromandel and Hauraki Districts)

This guide covers the Thames-Coromandel and Hauraki districts only. For other districts in the Waikato Region, please refer to the Zero Waste in the Waikato Region post. . […]

Preaching to “the Converted” #2: Rosie Morrison & Plastic Free Flatties

Rosie Morrison lives in Wellington and is in her first year studying to be a paramedic at Whitireia Polytechnic. When she’s not learning about CPR and […]

Preaching to “the Converted” #1: Rachel Benefield

The first post in our “Preaching to ‘the Converted‘” series features Kāpiti Coast local artist, Rachel Benefield. Back in April 2017, Rachel attended our talk in […]

Launching ‘A Waste of Time?: Preaching to the Converted’

For over a year now we have been running public presentations on how individuals can reduce their household rubbish. If we had a $1 for every […]

Zero Waste in the Bay of Plenty

Living without a rubbish bin is certainly possible in the Bay of Plenty (though in some parts it’s certainly more doable than others). Overall we were […]

Zero Waste in Hawke’s Bay

.. Our heartfelt gratitude to Sugarcube Studios, for bringing our guides to life – designing a map for us and creating such joyful imagery to go with it! Lots of pantry staples […]

Zero Waste in the Greater Wellington Region (including Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa)

Here we have it – a zero waste shopping guide for the Greater Wellington Region (including Wellington City, Porirua, Hutt Valley, Kāpiti Coast, and Wairarapa). Woohoo! […]

Environmentally-motivated behaviour change: reflections from This Time of Useful Consciousness

On Wednesday 19 July, The Rubbish Trip delivered our presentation at The Dowse Art Museum in Lower Hutt. We did so while the exhibition ‘This Time […]

Waste Not, Want Not: Bridging the Gap between Social and Environmental Justice through Zero Waste

Last night we spoke at Food for Thought, a Pecha Kucha event in Paekākāriki, as part of No8 Wire Week, an initiative run by Kāpiti Coast […]

Zero Waste in Manawatū-Whanganui

The Rubbish Trip kicked off our nationwide tour in Manawatū. After spending two weeks in Palmerston North and Feilding, running presentations, a workshop and recording some podcasts, […]